Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies Become a member

Our Work

The Consortium’s strategic mission is to bring together global and national stakeholders to improve maternal nutrition, specifically through the effective use of affordable multiple micronutrient supplementation (MMS) during pregnancy for vulnerable women worldwide. HMHB aims to create demand for MMS in high-burden countries, support the sustainable supply of high-quality, affordable MMS, and ensure effective and efficient delivery of MMS to those who need it the most.


To fulfill its mission, the HMHB Consortium takes an ‘A-B-C’ approach: Advocacy, Brokering Knowledge, and Convening.

The A-B-C approach:

  • HMHB advocates to create an enabling environment for the adoption of better policies and programs on maternal nutrition and MMS.
  • HMHB brokers knowledge by capturing, sharing, and widely disseminating existing and new evidence and lessons learned on maternal nutrition and MMS to relevant stakeholders.
  • HMHB builds consensus and guides collective action by convening experts on diverse technical topics related to maternal nutrition and MMS.

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