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Maternal Nutrition: Why It Matters

Poor nutrition is common among women of reproductive age and adolescents with diets falling short of nutritional needs.

Women and girls’ health, nutrition, and resilience are the foundation for strong families and communities.

Yet, in many contexts, women and girls traditionally eat last and consume less food of high nutritional quality such as meat, fish, or eggs.

Poor maternal nutrition is a major driver of maternal health risks, adverse birth outcomes, newborn morbidity, and mortality as well as poor postnatal growth and cognition.



What is the Scope of the Problem?


Maternal Nutrition: A Life Course Issue

Maternal micronutrient status should be viewed as a continuum across the course of a woman’s life. Women and girls have unique nutritional requirements, particularly during adolescence, pre-conception, pregnancy, and while breastfeeding.

The nutritional vulnerability of mothers is especially high during pregnancy and lactation when their nutrient requirements are increased, and nutrient stores may get depleted.


HMHB is committed to improving maternal nutrition during a special time in a woman’s life: pregnancy and lactation.



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