Ready-to-use lipid-based nutrient supplements (LNS) are a highly nutrient-dense supplement, which could be a good source of macro and micronutrients for pregnant women who need to supplement their nutrient intake. The objective was to assess the eCects of LNS for maternal, birth and infant outcomes in pregnant women. Secondary objectives were to explore the most appropriate composition, frequency and duration of LNS administration. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and quasi-RCTs that compared LNS given in pregnancy to no intervention, placebo, iron folic acid (IFA), multiple micronutrients (MMN) or nutritional counselling. Standard Cochrane procedures were used, and included four studies in 8018 pregnant women. All four studies took place in stable community settings in low-and middle-income countries: Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Ghana and Malawi. None were in emergency settings. Findings from this review suggest that LNS supplementation has a slight, positive eCectonweight at birth, length at birth, SGA and newborn stunting compared to IFA. LNS and MMN were comparable for all maternal, birth and infant outcomes. Both IFA and MMN were better at reducing maternal anaemia when compared to LNS. Readers should interpret the beneficial findings of the review with caution since the evidence comes from a small number of trials, with one-large scale study (conducted in community settings in Bangladesh) driving most of the impact.