28 July 2022 – After launching the new Advocacy Toolkit for Multiple Micronutrient Supplementation (MMS), HMHB published an informative blog by Lotte Hulsbergen and Martin Mwangi, Ph.D., explaining the importance of the toolkit and how national actors can use it to advocate for the adoption of MMS at the country level.
Today, millions of women in vulnerable contexts worldwide lack access to nutritious diets and essential healthcare services, especially during pregnancy, leading to widespread micronutrient deficiencies which have significant consequences for both mother and child. Good nutrition prevents these adverse health outcomes and long-lasting human capital losses in academic years and lifetime income. MMS offers an opportunity to improve maternal nutrition and reduce adverse health and economic outcomes in vulnerable contexts in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) and other poor resource settings.
This blog was published to educate advocates and country partners about how adopting and scaling MMS can help vulnerable mothers meet their nutritional requirements during pregnancy.