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6 December 2022 – The Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies Consortium (HMHB) is organizing an hour-long open Symposium on Wednesday, 7 December 2022 from 09:00-10:30 AM JST (Room 15 G409) titled ‘Micronutrients across a woman’s life course’ as part of Track 3: Nutrition through the Life Course. Learn more about ICN here. View resources for IUNS-ICN 2022 here.

This session aims to establish the importance of micronutrients through the life course of a woman from pre-conception to pregnancy and lactation and share evidence and experiences on the impact and implementation of MMS as an intervention to improve women and maternal nutrition. The session will be chaired by Marti van Liere, Director of Programs, Micronutrient Forum

Speakers and Topics include:

  1. Parul Christian, Johns Hopkins University: Overview of maternal nutrition & evidence for key interventions  
  2. Keith West, Johns Hopkins University: Periconceptional multiple micronutrient supplementation reduces risk of early pregnancy loss in rural Bangladesh: The JiVitA-5Trial
  3. Martin Mwangi, Micronutrient Forum: Scale and scope of implementing maternal nutrition interventions 
  4. Vilma Tyler, UNICEF: Multiple Micronutrient Supplementation: Implementation lessons
  5. Philip James, ENN: Antenatal micronutrient supplementation in humanitarian settings
  6. Nandita Perumal, Harvard University: Impact of scaling up prenatal nutrition interventions on human capital outcomes in low- and middle-income countries: a modeling analysis